Monday, January 4, 2010

My First Weekend as a New Yorker

Dear Readers,

In order to give everybody interested in my life a means to find out exactly what IS going on in my life, I have decided to start this blog documenting my exploration of New York City, the beginning of my publishing career as an intern at a literary agency, and my first time living alone (with my dog Daisy, of course).
I haven't decided whether this is to be a daily, weekly or sporadically updated blog as of yet, but figured that it would be the most fun answer to requests by several friends and family members to keep them up-to-date (those who know me well know what a challenge that is for me).

So here's to start:
Friday: driving...driving...driving...ARRIVING! My parents, Chris and I finally stood on New York City soil (concrete) at approximately 10:30 p.m. eastern standard time. Final destination: Chelsea, the borough of Manhattan known for having, among many other things, great nightlife, the best food in the world, and the best people in the city. I may be starting off my New York adventure a little biased.

Saturday: Unpacking. 'Nuff said.

Sunday: I am left to fend for myself, with just my trusty fur ball of a dog beside me. Dramatic? Perhaps. I knew they had to leave some time, and today was the day. My parents drove off to Philadelphia to visit Sharon and Murat early afternoon, and Chris was raced to LaGuardia around 4:30 by the craziest taxi driver ever to be unleashed on the streets. The rest of the evening went as follows:
1. cleaned the entire apartment
2. brushed Daisy
3. Realized step 2 should've come before step 1
4. cleaned the entire apartment
5. ate leftover Manti (delicious Turkish pasta stuffed with lamb and covered with yogurt sauce)
6. drank tea and watched the one Gilmore Girls disc I brought with me
7. Made a mental note to request that all my TV on DVD collections be sent from Schaumburg as fast as possible.
8. Realized that just because peppermint is natural does NOT make it decaf.
9. Read 3% (Kindle doesn't organize their books by page #'s) of Wuthering Heights
10. Slept like a baby despite all the caffeine.

Overall, a very nice 'settling-in' evening.

'Til next time,


  1. This looks like it will be fun. Your bunny is acting normally, assuming giving me lots of 'tude and throwing things with his mouth in the air is normal. Wanted to let you get settled in before I called you about that.

    Have fun!

  2. #9 made me think of this question: do you still love your Kindle a year after I first asked you this question? Because I think it would be really cool to have but I'm still hesitant...just wondering :)
